Evaluation of the ef fect of native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi an vermicompost leachate on the yield and quality of f ield-grown peanuts





Arachis hypogaea, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, plant yield, peanut quality, vermicompost leachate


The improvement of the symbiosis generated by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) against pathogenic microorganisms has been described, however, the ef fect of AMF in peanut crops is of interest due to the value of the productive chain that has not been fully attended. Therefore, this research work evaluated six treatments: (T1) Control plants without AMF, (T2) Plants with vermicompost leachate, (T3) Plants inoculated with commercial mycorrhizae, (T4) Plants inoculated with native mycorrhizae, (T5) Plants inoculated with commercial mycorrhizae + leachate and (T6) Plants inoculated with commercial mycorrhizae + native mycorrhizae; in this sense, mycorrhizal fungi were isolated, identifying Rhizoglomus clarum, Acaulospora alpina and Acaulospora af f. bireticulata, and inoculated in peanut plants in an area of 144 m2 in the open, so that, to corroborate the incidence of the treatments evaluated, agronomic variables such as height, width of biomass, foliar damage by Cercospora personata, number of f lowers, were evaluated during the pre-harvest every 15 days and the post-harvest variables were; leaf area index, root length, fruit and lipid yield, as well as the prof ile of fatty acids present in the fruit. Finally, peanut quality was evaluated according to CODEX STAN 200-1995, showing that the best treatment was leaching + commercial mycorrhizae, reporting yields of 65.05% of fruits and 58% of total lipids, mostly monounsaturated fatty acids (52 % oleic acid) followed by polyunsaturated (21% linoleic acid), f inally according to CODEX STAN 200-199 the peanuts obtained correspond to the basic quality with dimensions of 4 to 4.5 cm wide and long respectively, these peanuts cannot be exported but they can be marketed in the country for agro-industrial transformation, allowing improved agricultural practices by reducing the use of agrochemicals.


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Author Biographies

Yazmin Sánchez-Roque, Research laboratory, Universidad Politécnica de Chiapas, Carretera Tuxtla-Villaflores km 1+500, Las Brisas, C.P. 29150, Suchiapa, Chiapas, México.

Dr in materials and renewable energy systems from the University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas, currently director of the Academic Program of Agroindustrial Engineering, active member of the Academic Group of Agroindustrial Research and Development and member of the basic academic nucleus of the master's degree in Biotechnology and Energies of the Polytechnic University of Chiapas, in the Biomass and Agrifood Biotechnology research lines, which have allowed him to publish scientific articles in JCR (Journal Citation Reports) magazines, generate technological developments and technology transfers, strengthening the link with the productive and social sector. He is part of the National System of Researchers and the Register of Evaluators of the Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation of the state of Chiapas.



Yolanda del Carmen Pérez-Luna, Research laboratory, Universidad Politécnica de Chiapas, Carretera Tuxtla-Villaflores km 1+500, Las Brisas, C.P. 29150, Suchiapa, Chiapas, México.

Yolanda del Carmen Pérez Luna is a Biochemical Engineer in Natural Products, graduated from the National Technological Institute; has a Doctorate in Ecology and Sustainable Development, since 2005 she began her activities at the Polytechnic University of Chiapas as a teacher and director of the Agroindustrial Engineering program, currently, in addition to teaching in front of a group both in the Agroindustrial Engineering degree and in the Master in Biotechnology and develop research projects, is leader of the Academic Group of Agroindustrial Research and Development, in consolidation. It is level 1 of the National System of Researchers (SNI). Within his academic productivity are more than 15 scientific articles published in journals of the Journal Citation Register (JCR) and that have an impact factor; She has co-authored a book and 3 book chapters

Ana Martin Santos-Espinoza, National Technological of Mexico/IT of Tuxtla Gutierrez

My studies were carried out at the Technological Institute of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, where I studied the Biochemical Engineering degree, later in the same institute, I studied the Master of Science in Biochemical Engineering, I am currently a doctoral student of the Doctorate program in Food Sciences and Biotechnology , the topics that I have worked and researched are about the effect of entomopathogenic fungi on pathogens of different crops, as well as the study and synthesis of metallic nanoparticles of green origin for the control of pathogens in peanut crops, I am currently studying different techniques of seed biostimulation to increase the nutritional quality of peanut sprouts

Federico Antonio Gutiérrez-Miceli, Tecnológico Nacional de México/Instituto Tecnológico de Tuxtla-Gutiérrez

Chemical and biochemical engineering departament. Teacher and researcher




How to Cite

Sánchez-Roque, . Y., Pérez-Luna, Y. del C., Santos-Espinoza, A. M., & Gutiérrez-Miceli, F. A. (2022). Evaluation of the ef fect of native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi an vermicompost leachate on the yield and quality of f ield-grown peanuts. REVISTA TERRA LATINOAMERICANA, 40. https://doi.org/10.28940/terra.v40i0.1612



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