Plant communities in soil of semiarid ecosystem and their relationship with mycorrhizal fungi.


  • Juan Pedro Flores Margez Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez
  • Miroslava Quiñónez Martínez
  • Irma Delia Enríquez Anchondo
  • Karla Yamel Palacios Ramírez
  • Martha Patricia Olivas Sánchez
  • Fortunato Garza Ocañas
  • Toutcha Lebgue Keleng
  • Jesús Alejandro Nájera Medellin



arbuscular mycorrhiza, rhizosphere, desert scrubs


The microphilous and xerophilous plant communities in northern Chihuahua develop under environmental stress. Resistance to this stress may be related to the presence of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (HMVA). The objective of this study was to relate the type of soil and the presence of HMVA in the rhizosphere of desert scrubs, as a possible response to the resistance of plants under extreme environmental conditions, in the plant community of ANP Medanos de Samalayuca, Juárez, Chihuahua. During the months of March to October 2016, two directed samplings were carried out, selecting four sampling points based on the type of plant community registered in the f ield. At each sampling point, transects of 100 m were launched, generating ten 20 × 25 m2 plots in each zone. For each plot, the number of individuals per plant species was registered. The Shannon, Simpson, Pielou and Morisita indexes were used. A total of 500 g subsamples of soil was taken at a depth of 0 to 30 cm at each sampling site. Each sample was processed and subjected to physical and chemical analyses such as pH, texture, electrical conductivity, moisture percentage, inorganic nitrogen and extractable phosphorus. Spores were extracted and counted by wet sieving, decantation and centrifugation in 70% sucrose solution. Three types of plant community were determined: matorral inerme parvifolio, matorral mediano subinerme and matorral de medanos. In general, the most common and dominant species was Larrea tridentata. The soils were sandy, alkaline, low soil salinity, low in inorganic nitrogen and high in extractable phosphorus. The HMVA genera found were Gigaspora, Acaulospora, Glomus and Paraglomus. The Pearson correlation analysis indicated that there is no statistically significant relationship between the amount of inorganic nitrogen and the density of HMVA spores (r = 0.585). Regarding phosphorus, a meaningful relationship was found between its concentration and spore density (r = 0.987). The relationship between the number of spores and nutrient concentrations shows that the poorer in nutrients the smaller number of spores; however, resistance of the plants cannot be directly determined by the presence of the HMVA.


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Author Biography

Juan Pedro Flores Margez, Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez

1978 – 1981   Ingeniero Agrónomo Especialidad en Fitotécnica.

Escuela Superior de Agricultura Hermanos Escobar, incorporada a la Universidad

Autónoma de Chihuahua, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. Tesis: Adaptación de Arroces

Flotantes Oryza sativa L. a los Suelos Inundables del Estado de Tabasco. 114 p.   

1986 – 1988   Maestro en Ciencias Especialidad en Edafología

Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillos, Estado de México. Tesis: Determinación

de Dosis de Fertilización Nitrogenada para Maíz y Cebada en el Estado de

Tlaxcala mediante un Modelo Simplificado. 241 p.         

1995-2000   Doctorado en Agronomía (Ph.D.), Especialidad en Ciencia del Suelo 

Sub-especialidad en Estadística Experimental, New Mexico State University, Las

Cruces, NM, E.U.A. Tesis: Nitrogen Mineralization in Agricultural Soils Treated with Dairy Manure under Two Soil Water Potentials. 134 pFertilidad de Suelos



How to Cite

Flores Margez, J. P., Quiñónez Martínez, M., Enríquez Anchondo, I. D., Palacios Ramírez, K. Y., Olivas Sánchez, M. P., Garza Ocañas, F., … Nájera Medellin, J. A. (2018). Plant communities in soil of semiarid ecosystem and their relationship with mycorrhizal fungi. REVISTA TERRA LATINOAMERICANA, 36(4), 381–391.



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