ZERMEÑO GONZÁLEZ, Alejandro; MARROQUÍN MORALES, José Ángel; MELENDRES ALVAREZ, Aaron Isain; RAMÍREZ RODRÍGUEZ, Homero; CADENA ZAPATA, Martín; CAMPOS MAGAÑA, Santos Gabriel. Spectral properties of macro-tunnel covers and their relation with growth and yield of poblano pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). REVISTA TERRA LATINOAMERICANA, [S. l.], v. 37, n. 3, p. 253–260, 2019. DOI: 10.28940/terra.v37i3.473. Disponível em: https://mail.terralatinoamericana.org.mx/index.php/terra/article/view/473. Acesso em: 9 jan. 2025.