PÉREZ-CABRERA, Carlos Alberto; JUÁREZ-LÓPEZ, Porfirio; ANZALDO-HERNÁNDEZ, José; ALIA-TEJACAL, Irán; SALCEDO-PÉREZ, Eduardo; GUILLÉN-SÁNCHEZ, Dagoberto; BALOIS-MORALES, Rosendo; LÓPEZ-MARTÍNEZ, Víctor; CASTRO-BRINDIS, Rogelio. Chemical characterization of biochar from sugarcane tips produced by hydrothermal carbonization and addition of organic catalysts. REVISTA TERRA LATINOAMERICANA, [S. l.], v. 39, 2021. DOI: 10.28940/terra.v39i0.936. Disponível em: https://mail.terralatinoamericana.org.mx/index.php/terra/article/view/936. Acesso em: 9 jan. 2025.